At Clinical Associates of the Finger Lakes, we value the trust you have placed in us and our therapists while working with your child and family. We take the privacy of your child’s records very seriously. Please review the policy and letter below to learn more about how we protect your child’s private information.

Data Privacy Policy 6.16.1

Annual Notice FERPA Letter to Parents Policy 6.16A.1

PRE-SCHOOL (Ages 3-5)

As a parent, you may be aware the New York State Education Department is making a stronger push to monitor the efficacy of educational agencies in meeting the mandates set forth by part 121 of Education Law 2-D. These actions are being taken by the state to ensure that data privacy is being regarded with the utmost security, both in-district and by any approved third parties.

The following links contain items we are required to host on our website. To view any of these elements, please click on the respective link(s) below.


Your Rights as a Parent of a child receiving Early Intervention Services can be found through the following link:

The New York State Department of Health Early Intervention Program is monitored by the United States Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to ensure that New York State meets the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For federal Part C of IDEA regulations pertaining to dispute resolution options, please see:

Per Part C of IDEA (34 CFR 303.430), these options include the right to settle disputes through mediation, State complaint procedures (system complaint), and due process hearing procedures (impartial hearing). Parties are not required to participate in any local or informal dispute resolution options prior to accessing any of the federally required formal dispute resolution options. Parties may request one or more of these options simultaneously and are not required to access them in a sequential order.  New York State Early Intervention Program regulations containing procedural safeguards including the three dispute resolution options are available through the following link: