All evaluations completed through Clinical Associates of the Finger Lakes (CAFL) employ a combination of the most current assessment tools, clinical and educational observation sessions and parent interviews.
Who performs evaluations?
Evaluations are typically scheduled at the request of: parents, school districts, county health department officials, doctors or other concerned professionals. CAFL has a fully staffed evaluation team that is specifically trained and skilled to assess the needs of children of all ages in various domains of development. Individual areas that can be assessed include: speech-language, cognitive, fine motor, gross motor, sensory motor, social-emotional, learning, behavioral, and adaptive skills, alternative communication and hearing. Depending on the identified issues of concern, evaluations are completed by a tailored variety of evaluators who all have advanced degrees and New York State licensure or certification in their area of expertise. These specialists include, but are not limited to:
- School Psychologists
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physical Therapists
- Special Educators
- Teachers of the Deaf
- Fluency, Assistive Technology, Therapeutic Listening, Feeding/Swallowing, and Sensory Specialists

How can I have my child evaluated?
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program for children under the age of three who are either suspected of having or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. EIP is funded by New York State and county governments. If eligible, services are provided at no cost to the families. To refer children ages birth to three to the EIP in Monroe County, call (585) 753-5437 or log into https://www.monroecounty.gov/hdei. In other counties, call the Growing Up Healthy Hotline at 1-800-522-5006.
To refer children ages three to five, a parent or guardian should call their local school district and ask for the CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education) chairperson.
A child's eligibility for both the EIP and CPSE programs can be determined only by state-approved evaluators under contract, and all services must be authorized by the county.
Referrals are accepted from families, doctors, schools and county programs. We would be glad to provide you with more information.
What happens next?
Once the evaluation and all of the assessments are completed, the results of the evaluation are shared with the parents, and any questions that the parents may have are discussed in full. Often, the extent of the child's needs determines whether or not he or she is eligible for funding of certain services. All this is discussed with the parents at the time of the evaluation.
The evaluation results are then compiled and documented in a multidisciplinary report.
A copy of the report is always given to the parents for their records and future reference. With the parents' written permission, the report is also shared with any appropriate educational and medical providers, and a file copy is retained in the agency records.

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