Physical Therapy Services
Physical Therapists
CAFL physical therapists are well-trained and highly skilled professionals, licensed by New York State, who specialize in the evaluation and treatment of children with a variety of needs. Our providers are experienced in facilitating motor development in children of all ages. They also have expertise in treating orthopedic, genetic and neurological disorders such as Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, Down Syndrome, Arthrogryposis, and Hemiplegia.
Our physical therapists provide services in a variety of settings including homes, daycares, preschools, nursery schools, and ‘in-center’ at the CAFL clinics. CAFL gyms are especially popular as a treatment site as children can benefit from the specialized equipment, including a ball pit and a rock wall!
Physical therapy sessions address:
- Gross motor skill development
- Balance
- Coordination
- Strength
- Motor planning
- Body awareness
- Reflex emergence/integration
- Posture/mechanics
For a current schedule of our gross motor groups, please email

Specialized Training
Our physical therapists have specialized training in:
- Sensory Integration
- TheraTogsTM
- Kinesio Taping®
- Neurodevelopmental Techniques (NDT)
- Adaptive equipment (wheelchairs, standers, adapted chair and bath equipment)
- Orthotics
- Aquatic Therapy
- Yoga for children with disabilities
- SPIO® (Stabilizing Pressure Input Orthosis)
Professional Organizations

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